Did the FDA Suffer a Memory Loss on Due Process?

Humankind has reached a turning point in biomedical innovations; from mind control prosthetics to developing a vaccine in under 12 months. Drugs and technologies are being invented and are improving at a rate faster than ever. On June 7th, 2021, the FDA approved an Alzheimer’s Drug, called Adulehm (aducanumab), produced by Biogen, a biotechnology company […]

Will the Doctor See Me For My Final Appointment?

Every individual’s tolerance and perceptions on life versus death vary based on past experiences and their current circumstances. Choosing to fight against a disease or an illness is a tough and life altering decision that many people across the globe are having to face everyday. The other option is Euthanasia — literally translated, it means […]

Brain: Core of our Conscience

Modern scientific discoveries are advancing our fundamental knowledge on one of the most complex, unique, and enigmatic organs that each individual carries – the brain. Research on the brain is constantly evolving and we have come to a point where bioethicists, specifically neuroethicists, must carefully consider the various ethical issues related to treatment, study, and […]